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At Lake Haven we pride ourselves on the facilities we have created to provide for our learners. We have the space, time, an ethos of belonging, all are treated with respect and a staff base who know how to get the best from children with ASC, EBSA and anxiety.  We have a very comprehensive SEND policy, accessibility and equality plan. 

To support your child further in their education and to fulfil the requirements of section F of the EHCP, we are proud that we will be able to offer the following:

  • Pastoral Support with Embrace Life Practitioners

  • Animal Therapy

  • Forest School

  • SALT

  • Sensory Time

  • A professional Sports Coach

We also have a dedicated room for external agencies who are welcomed into our space when required.

Warwickshire County Council Local Offer
Leicestershire County Council Local Offer
Northamptonshire County Council Local Offer 
Solihull County Council Local Offer